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Annabel Sarah
 Dog Trick Instructor & Actress

 Paws on set

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Follow the footprint

Paw's on set

About "Paw's on set" what you need to know about becoming a dog trick instructor and how I work with paws on set.

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Annabel Sarah

Find out more about me as an actress. Follow my footprint to my vita and my showreels.

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Dog Trick Training

Do You want to be more active with your dog? Are you intrested ? Together we can learn a lot of tricks and you will be able  to teach your dog by yourself.

And if you plan to shoot a movie with dogs and need the help of a dog trick instructor then follow my footprint.

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Book Publication

Posy, small dogs with big dreams, is my first children's book with my own illustrations. The story tells of the dreams of a small dog. Follow our foot and pawprints for more

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